過猶不及 英文

[ guòyóubùjí ] going beyond the limit is,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋過猶不及英文發音,英文單字,怎麼用英語翻譯過猶不及,過猶不及的英語例句用法和解釋。 所以,. Too much is as bad as too little;. 過猶不及的英文翻譯:[ guòyóubùjí ] going beyond the limit is,查閱過猶不及英文怎么說,過猶不及的英語讀音例句用法和詳細解釋。 繁體版 english 登錄注冊 網站工具 設為首頁 收藏本站 英. Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.

過猶不及 英文
總統出席三軍六校畢典維安惹民怨!柯文哲:過猶不及 政治 三立新聞網

過猶不及 英文. 過猶不及的英文翻譯:[ guòyóubùjí ] going beyond the limit is,查閱過猶不及英文怎么說,過猶不及的英語讀音例句用法和詳細解釋。 繁體版 english 登錄注冊 網站工具 設為首頁 收藏本站 英. [ guòyóubùjí ] going beyond the limit is,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋過猶不及英文發音,英文單字,怎麼用英語翻譯過猶不及,過猶不及的英語例句用法和解釋。 所以,. 過猶不及 英文 going beyond the limit is as bad as falling short. Going too far is as bad as not going far enough. 英語翻譯: leave it at that: 我们可以用too much of a good thing。.

To Go Beyond Is As Wrong As To Fall Short.

過猶不及用英語怎麼說,過猶不及的英語翻譯:going too far is as bad as not going far enough; 我们可以用too much of a good thing。. 过犹不及的英文: going too far is as bad as not going far enough 参考例句: overdone is worse than undone 过犹不及 too much water drowned the miller 过犹不及 too much water drowned.

英語翻譯: Leave It At That:

Water is a boon in the desert, but the drowning man curses it. Too much water drowned the miller 過猶不及; Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.

過猶不及的英文翻譯:[ Guòyóubùjí ] Going Beyond The Limit Is,查閱過猶不及英文怎么說,過猶不及的英語讀音例句用法和詳細解釋。 繁體版 English 登錄注冊 網站工具 設為首頁 收藏本站 英.

蓡考例句: overdone is worse than undone 過猶不及; Madam deputy, though it is inevitable to improve the existing mechanism, we must act prudently and prevent unrealistically formulating provisions on public organizations. 過猶不及的英文: going too far is as bad as not going far enough.

Too Much Is As Bad As Too Little;.

過猶不及 [guòyóubùjí] too far is as bad , 學習過猶不及發音, 過猶不及例句盡在websaru字典。 too [tu:] adv.也,太過份 far [fa:(r)] adj.(常用於書面語)遠的,久遠的,遙. 配有多媒體教室,總統車隊遭到陳抗隊伍包圍抗議,過猶不及 總統蔡英文29日出席「107年三軍六校聯合畢業典禮」,1000 useful words 英文原版pdf電子. [ guòyóubùjí ] going beyond the limit is,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋過猶不及英文發音,英文單字,怎麼用英語翻譯過猶不及,過猶不及的英語例句用法和解釋。 所以,.

Beyond Is As Wrong As Falling Short;

He that touches pitch shall be defiled. 過猶不及例子 過猶不及同義 過猶不及英文 凡事過猶不及 過猶不及意思 本站 住宿推薦 20%off 訂房優惠,親子優惠,住宿折扣,限時回饋,平日促銷 取得優惠 “过犹不及”的原义是做事过分就好比做得不够一样,皆不妥当;形容事情要适得其中;在句子中可充当谓语、宾语、定语。 [1] 中文名 过犹不及 拼 音 guò yóu bù jí 近义词 过为己甚 反义词 恰如.

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