器官移植 英文

器官移植,organ transplantation 1)organ transplantation器官移植 1.ethical & legal issues and responsibilites towards chinese doctors during the medical process of organ transplantation;. Organ transplantation is often the last resort for patients confronted by organ failure. 移植 英文翻譯 : transplant 器官 英文翻譯 : organ; 中国器官移植 (英語: organ transplantation in china )介绍 中华人民共和国 建国以来的器官移植情况。.

器官移植 英文
少儿绘本英语单词卡片读本(认知人体器官) 儿童故事网

器官移植 英文. Organ transplantation is often the last resort for patients confronted by organ failure. 移植 英文翻譯 : transplant 器官 英文翻譯 : organ; 器官移植,organ transplantation 1)organ transplantation器官移植 1.ethical & legal issues and responsibilites towards chinese doctors during the medical process of organ transplantation;. 器官组织用英文怎么说 英语词典收录了最新的汉英词典和英汉词典,总共有200多万个词条,词库仍在不断更新中。 ©2022 km查询 关于我们 Transplantation of human cells, tissues or organs saves many lives and restores essential functions where no alternatives of comparable effectiveness exist. 中国器官移植 (英語: organ transplantation in china )介绍 中华人民共和国 建国以来的器官移植情况。.

器官移植,Organ Transplantation 1)Organ Transplantation器官移植 1.Ethical & Legal Issues And Responsibilites Towards Chinese Doctors During The Medical Process Of Organ Transplantation;.

移植 英文翻譯 : transplant 器官 英文翻譯 : organ; 器官移植的福音【中英+可调字幕】共计2条视频,包括:how to 3d print human tissue、可调字幕等,up主更多精彩视频,请关注up账号。. 中国器官移植 (英語: organ transplantation in china )介绍 中华人民共和国 建国以来的器官移植情况。.

Organ Transplantation Is Often The Last Resort For Patients Confronted By Organ Failure.

Transplantation of human cells, tissues or organs saves many lives and restores essential functions where no alternatives of comparable effectiveness exist. 器官结构用英文怎么说 英语词典收录了最新的汉英词典和英汉词典,总共有200多万个词条,词库仍在不断更新中。 ©2022 km查询 关于我们 器官组织用英文怎么说 英语词典收录了最新的汉英词典和英汉词典,总共有200多万个词条,词库仍在不断更新中。 ©2022 km查询 关于我们

Apparatus 更多移植器官將來源于病人本身細胞 英文翻譯 : Growing Replacement Organs From Patients’own Cells 其他特指的移植器.

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