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主辦單位:教育部國民及學前教育署 承辦單位:全國高級中等學校圖書館輔導團(National Library Advisory Group For High Schools)
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Sig (Rune), An Armanen Rune, Later Used For The Schutzstaffel (Ss) Logo Sig, The Distinctive Hand Actions Of Sign.
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Sig River, A River Of Algeria Also Known As Mekerra;
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Sig used as a name may refer to: (工具 > 編輯 pdf) 用於編輯掃描文件的設定 識別文字 (ocr 語言):預設情況下,系統會從預設地區設定中挑選 ocr 語言。 使用可用的系統字型 :如果您勾選此選項,系統將掃描文件轉換成可編輯文字的過程中,會以系統已安裝且最接近掃描頁面原始字型的字型來. One of the most relied upon definitions of an electronic signature is “an electronic sound, symbol or process attached to or logically associated with a record…adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.”
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